Elevoplasty (Alleviates Snoring)

Elevoplasty (Alleviates Snoring)

If snoring is a disturbance in your life, Elevoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces or eliminates snoring, providing more restful sleep. Performed in the office using specially shaped sutures, the procedure lifts and stiffens the soft tissue at the top and back of the mouth without the need for traditional surgery.

How Elevoplasty Works

If you’re interested in reducing or eliminating snoring, contact us today to schedule an appointment!


Commonly Asked Questions

Performed as an out-patient procedure, Rhinoplasty is a surgery that reshapes the nose. Rhinoplasty can be used to make the nose smaller, reduce the bridge of the nose, narrow the nose and shape specific portions, such as the tip of the nose or nostrils. Rhinoplasty also may be used to improve nasal breathing.

Dr. Furze can perform both nasal airway or sinus surgery at the same time as Rhinoplasty surgery, delivering better results with less down time.

While recovery time varies, most patients only take one week off from work. Dr. Furze’s patients usually experience very little pain or nausea. A small splint will be left in place for one week after surgery, and most swelling disappears several weeks after surgery. However, some minor swelling may remain for several months after surgery, and some of the most subtle changes may take up to a year to be noticeable.

Performed for functional reasons, such as to correct a broken nose or to improve the nasal airway, Rhinoplasty may be covered by your insurance. However, insurance coverage varies considerably according to each insurance company and policy. Our office is experienced in working with insurance companies, and we will assist you with insurance issues.

Performed for functional reasons, such as to correct a broken nose or to improve the nasal airway, Rhinoplasty may be covered by your insurance. However, insurance coverage varies considerably according to each insurance company and policy. Our office is experienced in working with insurance companies, and we will assist you with insurance issues.

Performed for functional reasons, such as to correct a broken nose or to improve the nasal airway, Rhinoplasty may be covered by your insurance. However, insurance coverage varies considerably according to each insurance company and policy. Our office is experienced in working with insurance companies, and we will assist you with insurance issues.

Performed for functional reasons, such as to correct a broken nose or to improve the nasal airway, Rhinoplasty may be covered by your insurance. However, insurance coverage varies considerably according to each insurance company and policy. Our office is experienced in working with insurance companies, and we will assist you with insurance issues.

Published with permission of Cook Medical. Elevo and Elevoplasty are registered trademarks of Zelegent, Inc.

The Elevo Snoring Intervention Set was created by Zelegent, Inc. and is distributed by Cook Medical.


Commonly Asked Questions

Snoring is an very common condition that ranges in severity from a mild nuisance to a life-altering problem that prevents receiving the quality sleep and air that you need. Snoring occurs when tissue in your nose and/or throat relaxes and vibrates. This usually happens when you’re breathing in, but it can occur both as air both comes and goes.

While nearly everyone snores at some point in their lives, often a result of the effects of a common cold, if you have ongoing problems with snoring, it may be attributed to something more serious, such as:

    • An anatomical issue in your nose, such as a deviated septum.
    • Problems with the soft tissue at the back of your mouth and throat.
    • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Dr. Furze begins by reviewing your medical history and performing a physical examination. He utilizes an in-office nasal and sinus endoscopic evaluation and a CT scan of your nose and sinuses to check for structural problems. He also closely examines your throat to discover if your palate, tonsils or other tissues are contributing to your snoring.

If your problem is anatomical, Dr. Furze offers several surgical options, such as a septoplasty or sinuplasty, that can correct your anatomical issue for sustainable results. Dr. Furze is board-certified in head and neck surgery.