Our Procedures

Septoplasty (Deviated Septum)

If you’re having difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum, Dr. Furze can correct your deviated septum to open up your nasal passages for easier breathing from both nostrils. During surgery, Dr. Furze straightens and repositions your nasal septum so that it lies in a more central position.

Since Dr. Furze is double board certified in both nasal airway and rhinoplasty surgeries, both procedures can be combined into a single surgery, delivering better results with less down time.

If you’re struggling with a deviated septum that’s impairing your ability to breathe or other nasal airway problems, schedule an appointment for a consultation.

Deviated Septum

Commonly Asked Questions

Your septum is a wall of cartilage that separates your nostrils. Ideally, this divider runs perfectly straight so that your nostrils are balanced in their airway duties. However, up to 80 percent of the U.S. population has a crooked septum, rendering one nostril larger than the other. In most cases, this structural problem doesn’t pose any problems, but if the misalignment is moderate to severe, you may be left with ongoing nasal airway issues that affect your overall health.

A deviated septum can lead to a host of problems, including:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chronic or recurrent sinusitis
  • Runny nose
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Postnasal drip
  • Nosebleeds
  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Chronic nasal congestion

After ruling out other conditions that may have similar symptoms, such as nasal polyps or enlarged turbinates, Dr. Furze designs a treatment plan that best suits your unique situation.

For long-term relief from a Deviated Septum, Septoplasty surgery is an effective solution that permanently corrects the structural problem. Dr. Furze has extensive experience performing Septoplasties, resulting in his patients breathing much more freely.

After performing general or local anesthesia, Dr. Furze makes a small incision in your septum and then works to straighten and reposition this cartilage wall. No two Septoplasties are alike as each structure is unique. Dr. Furze’s goal with each procedure is to leave a sufficient amount of cartilage and bone intact to maintain the structural integrity of your septum.

Most patients recover fully in 1–2 months. You will have a clinical visit with Dr. Furze during the 3 to 4 months after your surgery so that he can be sure that your nose is healing well.

A Septoplasty is covered by most PPO insurances and Medicare when a Deviated Septum is causing significant medical issues, such as chronic nasal obstruction, recurrent sinus infections, sinus headaches, chronic mouth breathing/snoring, recurrent nosebleeds or various other symptoms. Our office is experienced in working with insurance companies, and we will assist you with insurance issues.